

"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." Dalai Lama



Picture This

Iconic Hermes does it again...  This time combining photography (my obsession) with fashion.  Photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto took long exposure shots of cinema screens, and Hermes made them into scarves.  They are meant to be displayed and not worn, which could probably be said for all Hermes scarves!
The result is brilliant...
Hiroshi Sugimoto and Hermes




"The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.  If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.  Your life will be impoverished.  But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life."  Frank Lloyd Wright



At the Movies...

  Indulging a 7 year old girl, I saw the Katy Perry movie today...
I actually enjoyed it, taking in her make up and hair the whole time.  Her make up artist is genius, he transforms her repeatedly.  I used to own a wig salon, so I was captured by her collection!  It was an explosion of pastel and candy.  I once found her to be a caricature, a bit over the top.  Now I can appreciate her ability to have fun with fashion and not take it all so seriously.  As her movie states, she makes everyone smile... 



Scratch and Sniff

The Denman brush is a classic brush.  It is technically the only brush to use on a one length cut.  I would have loved these scented Denman brushes when I was 9, and I will admit I'd love one now!!!  They come in several scents.  The lemon sherbet might be refreshing, but the coconut would be perfect for summer...

D3 Wooden Coconut Brush
Denman Coconut scented




"Fashion isn't to make you look attractive, it's to make you look different. " Fashionweek NYC
