If you haven't guessed by now, Kelly Wearstler is my idol. Amazing designer, and a cool mom...
Here is a recent interview with her from Stylist Home. I find the questions to be such a great way to describe the essence of a person. Answer them for yourself!
When I wake up... I check on the boys and go to Barry's Bootcamp.
Before I go to bed... I snuggle and kiss my boys goodnight and look at my Blackberry.
A well dressed woman... Should be chic and comfortable.
Women should always... Keep a little mystery.
Men should never... Lie to their mother.
The best thing that's been said about me... Is that I stay calm under pressure.
The biggest misconception about me... Is that I wear ball gowns to work.
If I weren't doing what I'm doing today... I'd be an artist or a painter. I need art around me always.
My legacy... Is making the world a more colorful place.
A great idea... Comes from endless curiosity.
Botox is... The bomb.
My mother... Is hysterical. She's such a character!
The soundtrack of my life... Is Alternative Nation.
The future... Is bright.
Happiness... Is being with my family and at work. I love them both.
There's a time and place for... Everything.
There is too much... Fighting in the world.
In the end... It always works out.