
Coffee Table Beauty

Many of you may know I have this odd fascination with Lauren Conrad. 

I've just added


uren Conrad Be


to The Cutting Room coffee table

books.  The tips in the book are

not intended to


ve advice to those in my

industry but is great for clients

!  Great reading material the next time you are in The Cutting Room...

Lauren Conrad Beauty



Essie Armed and Ready

Green is this year's color.  Looking for a new nail polish color, the greens are all a little too bright and candy inspired for me right now...  This new green is perfect!  It's an olive shade with a slight metallic edge.  oh i love this polish!



Nail Sticker Tutorial

I've had a lot of people tell me they still struggle with nail stickers...
Here is "the man" Tom Bachik giving a tutorial.  If you haven't heard of him before, he is the most sought after celebrity manicuristHe has the best back story.  Tom was an avid skateboarder, and started out as a graphic artist.  He custom painted helmets, etc. but his graphic arts company was struggling.  Married with a child on the way, he had heard that hairdressing was a great career.  After realizing the schooling was longer than he had time for, he decided on nails!  Loving a good competition, he won several awards in nail art, and the rest is history... 



Feathered Nail

With some feathers from the craft store, I decided to go for DIY nail art...
I clipped a feather, added a dot of glue to add it to a nail, and a final top coat.  Too easy!




Top Coat

Nail art is here to stay.  It has made a presence at awards shows, and on the runways of fashion week.  Even if you can't take the plunge, you can have fun adding some creativity to at least one nail...  I love finding new products to make the process easier.  One of my friends told me about a new product I'm in love with.  It is a top coat which works like a gel coat!  For best results, all you have to do is let it set under a 60 watt bulb for 2 minutes.  Instant gratification! (thanks MP)
Julep - Freedom™ Polymer Top Coat
